Understanding by Building
Through coordinated tissue morphogenesis and cell specialization, organ development generates complex structures tailored for diverse physiological functions. For example, lungs, kidneys, and various glands generate tree-like branched structures, where numerous end buds specialized for air exchange, blood filtration, or secretion are connected by a hierarchical ductal system. The mature branched structure arises from a single epithelial bud at the embryonic stage through branching morphogenesis, which requires the dynamic interplay between cells and the extracellular matrix. We are only beginning to understand the principles of branching morphogenesis and other processes in organ development, which will be crucial for developing gene, cell, and tissue engineering-based therapies for defective organs.
We combine embryonic and reconstitution approaches to discover principles of organ development. We employ live imaging, sequencing, spatial transcriptomics, genetic perturbation, and targeted protein degradation to probe native organ development, primarily (but not limited to) using the mouse salivary gland as a versatile model. Driven by the “understanding by building” philosophy, we always try to reconstitute key biological processes from neutral building blocks. Whenever applicable, we use mathematical or physical modeling to theorize our findings. We aspire to pave the way of building customizable organs from the bottom up.
Click on the movies to learn more:
See Shaohe’s Google Scholar for a complete list
*co-first, #co-corresponding
Angelo Morales, Shaohe Wang. Salivary gland developmental mechanics (2024) Curr Top Dev Biol [Author Manuscript PDF]
Di Wu, Kenneth M. Yamada#, Shaohe Wang#. Tissue Morphogenesis Through Dynamic Cell and Matrix Interactions (2023) Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Shaohe Wang#, Kazue Matsumoto, Samantha R. Lish, Alexander X. Cartagena-Rivera, Kenneth M. Yamada#. Budding epithelial morphogenesis driven by cell-matrix versus cell-cell adhesion (2021) Cell [NIDCR News] [Dev Cell Spotlight] [Figshare Data] [Github Repo] [Addgene Plasmids]
Shaohe Wang. Single Molecule RNA FISH (smFISH) in Whole‐Mount Mouse Embryonic Organs (2019) Curr Protoc Cell Biol
Shaohe Wang*, Stacy D. Ochoa*, Renat N. Khaliullin*, Adina Gerson-Gurwitz, Jeffrey M. Hendel, Zhiling Zhao, Ronald Biggs, Andrew D. Chisholm, Arshad Desai, Karen Oegema, Rebecca A. Green. A high-content imaging approach to profile C. elegans embryonic development (2019) Development
Shaohe Wang#, Rei Sekiguchi, William P Daley, Kenneth M Yamada#. Patterned cell and matrix dynamics in branching morphogenesis (2017) J Cell Biol (Review Article) [Cover Highlight]
Shaohe Wang, Ngang Heok Tang, Pablo Lara-Gonzalez, Zhiling Zhao, Dhanya K. Cheerambathur, Bram Prevo, Andrew D. Chisholm, Arshad Desai, Karen Oegema. A toolkit for GFP-mediated tissue-specific protein degradation in C. elegans (2017) Development [Addgene Plasmids]
Adina Gerson-Gurwitz, Shaohe Wang, Shashank Sathe, Rebecca Green, Gene W. Yeo, Karen Oegema, Arshad Desai. A Small RNA-Catalytic Argonaute Pathway Tunes Germline Transcript Levels to Ensure Embryonic Divisions (2016) Cell [UCSD News]
Sophie Quintin, Shaohe Wang, Julien Pontabry, Ambre Bender, François Robin, Vincent Hyenne, Frédéric Landmann, Christelle Gally, Karen Oegema, Michel Labouesse. Non-centrosomal epidermal microtubules act in parallel to LET-502/ROCK to promote C. elegans elongation (2016) Development
Shaohe Wang, Di Wu, Sophie Quintin, Rebecca A Green, Dhanya K Cheerambathur, Stacy D Ochoa, Arshad Desai, Karen Oegema. NOCA-1 functions with γ-tubulin and in parallel to Patronin to assemble non-centrosomal microtubule arrays in C. elegans (2015) eLife
The opposite of open science is not closed science. It’s broken science.
— John Wilbanks
Lab Protocols
Frequently used protocols with reagent links.
A great collection of microscopy lectures by iBiology.
Software Carpentry lesson for learning Git.
Software Carpentry lesson for learning Python.
Software Carpentry
Index of Software Carpentry lessons.
Data Carpentry
Index of Data Carpentry lessons.
Linear Algebra
MIT Open Course on Linear Algebra by Prof. Gilbert Strang.
How to give a scientific talk on iBiology.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.
It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
Di’s awesome drawing of a dinosaur researcher.
Happy group after the first lab meeting!
Bowling night of some 4DCP labs.
Rafting on the calm Potomac River!
Di’s creative shell painting of a branching gland!
Lab News
September 2022
Our lab is part of 4D Cellular Physiology, the new exciting research area at HHMI Janelia!
May 2024
Congrats, Angelo!
Oct 15, 2024
We have opportunities for graduate students, undergraduate scholars and visisting scientists! See prospective positions in TEAM for details.
Contact Us
Email: wangs6 {at}